The club hosts several sanctioned competition events every year including their immensely popular hillclimbs & what riders say is the best observed trials in the district. Their dirt drags bring out a wide variety of equipment from Nitro powered ATV's to hillclimb bikes to see who can cover 100 yards of ground in the shortest time. The egg hunt is another fun event for both bikes and ATV’s. We hold an old-timers banquet from time to time to bring former members back to reminisce with the current members. The club has contributed to the AMA's Heritage Museum & contributes to community causes such as Churches & the Polo Schools.
The clubgrounds are east of Polo, IL. & directly across from the entrance to White Pines State Park.
The club is always looking for new members that would like to get involved in supporting motorcycling and participating in club activities. Meetings are 7 pm on the first Friday of the month and 7 pm the 3rd Saturday of the month.